Girls Wrestling

PH Wrestling has been around since 1971. 

There have been many standout athletes including Michelle Ludwig, State/National Runner up in 1992.

American’s women’s wrestling has been an national sport since 1989.

Women’s wrestling saved Olympic Wrestling.

Women’s wrestling is the fastest growing sport in US and every year more colleges add women’s wrestling programs. There are now over 150 collegiate women’s wrestling program that offer scholarship and financial aid, paving an opportunity for girls to wrestle and gain an education.
Complete List of Women’s College Programs.

Girls wrestling is a combat sport that is open to freshman, JV and Varsity.

What’s Different About Girls Wrestling.

Each team has fourteen weight classes:
– 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 125, 130, 135, 140, 145, 155, 170, 190, 235.

Girls certify their weight class in November. They are not allowed to wrestle below a weight class that falls below an unhealthy body fat percentage.  Wrestlers cannot wrestle more than two weights above the weight that they are certified at. 

Girls CIF Changes

This year Girls Wrestling is a CIF sport. What does this mean. More resources are allocated to girls. They can have their own practice time, their own coach and a stipend for a separate coach staff. 

It means they no longer have to be a part of Boys Wrestling. 

What Does Not Change?

Same rules as applied to boys. 


There will be dual matches,  tournaments, a City tournament, CIF Divisional Tournament (Masters Qualifier), Masters Tournament (State Qualifier) and a State Tournament. 

Requirements for competition:

Physical,, Insurance, 2.0 GPA


Gym clothes, sports bra wrestling shoes, head-gear (optional), mouth guard (if wearing braces). Free Sports Bra projects: Bras for Girls, Sports Bra Project

Spirit bag (optional).

Equipment for matches:

Headgear, equipment bag, warm-ups and singlets are provided.

We do not charge for wrestling. The team has to fundraise for competition entrance fees. 


Honesty, integrity, hard work, academics, sportsmanship. 


Girls Technique/Injuries

Moves for girls