Why Some Wrestlers Become Successful

With less than 1% of Americans wrestling, how is it that 20% of Presidents wrestled, or some of the biggest names in business or entertainment wrestled. What is it about wrestling that might prime people for success?

It could be the grit and the ability to get up after embarrassing losses that also occurs in politics, business and entertainment. After all, nothing more embarrassing than getting beat in a singlet in front of everyone you know and nothing more admirable than going to practice after to become better and stepping again on the mat. Now multiply that 20 times in a season and you know what it’s like to be an average first- year wrestler.

But there might be something else. To succeed in life in areas where failure is public and likely, requires dedication and ability to be in uncomfortable situations, and there is nothing comfortable about wrestling.

Every single thing that a wrestler does is uncomfortable. Singlet and headgear, uncomfortable. Being on weight and being strict with food is uncomfortable, especially during holiday season that wrestling falls on. Grueling practices that include non-stop anaerobic and aerobic movement is uncomfortable. But then you get to the actual wrestling: wrestling stance is unnatural and uncomfortable. Wrestling throws, shots, defense, pins are unnatural and uncomfortable.

This is why it takes many years just to get decent in wrestling. In fact wrestlers actively avoid being comfortable. Eating food is comfortable, not working out is comfortable, walking up straight is comfortable, laying on the back is comfortable. Being comfortable leads to defeat, and the sooner the wrestler realizes it, the more successful they will be.

And that is what a wrestler takes with them after they leave the sport. They learn to be ok with uncomfortable for the sake of the feeling of accomplishment, and that’s a sure recipe for success.

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